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Do Australian Shepherds shed a lot of hair? The facts

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Do Australian Shepherds shed a lot of hair

Do Australian Shepherds shed a lot of hair? Before bringing a new dog into your home, it’s natural to want to know how much grooming work is involved.

Shedding in Australian Shepherds

Australian Shepherds have a distinct appearance. These dogs are lovely, from their stunning appearance to their shaggy fur. It’s also possible that your Aussie has blue eyes, which would make them even more remarkable. 

Australian Shepherds were developed as a herding dog breed for herding animals in colder climates; therefore, their fur had to be tough enough to keep them warm in the winter.

Double-coated Australian Shepherds have two coats. So, the short answer is that Australians do shed. They shed quite a bit. But it’s not something that you cannot manage. To control shedding in Australian Shepherds, you’ll need to keep up with regular grooming. 

Let’s see what you can expect when you bring an Australian Shepherd into your house, as well as some recommendations for minimizing shedding.

How much do Australian Shepherds shed?

The Australian Shepherd is a large, hairy medium-sized dog.

Yes, Australian Shepherds shed moderately, but the amount of fur they shed can seem to be a lot due to their size.

During the spring, Australian Shepherds will molt and shed a lot. When the temperature begins to rise, the dog sheds its heavy winter coat.

During the fall, another period of heavy shedding will occur. The Australian Shepherd sheds its summer coat during this time to make space for a longer, thicker winter coat. This cycle is repeated each year as the seasons change.

Nonetheless, Australian Shepherds shed in modest volumes throughout the year. Regular grooming and brushing will assist in controlling this. This also helps to avoid matting because Aussies have a thick coat.

However, be prepared for a significant shedding in the spring when they lose their winter coat.

To learn more about the Australian Shepherd see Australian Shepherd: Not a dog for everyone.

Coats of Australian Shepherds

Australians have two coats: a top coat and an undercoat. The thickness of their undercoat will vary according to the season. In the winter, it becomes thicker to defend against the weather. In the summer, it thins out to keep them cool. Because double-coated dogs shed more than single-coated dogs, your Aussie is more prone to shed than a Maltese or other single-coated breed.

Shedding frequency 

As previously stated, Australian Shepherds shed a lot. Because they are a double-coated breed, you can expect a fair amount of dog fur in your home and on your clothing all year. Because they are double-coated, they have two periods during the year when their fur sheds a lot more.

You need to be consistent in grooming your Australian Shepherd in the winter and summer and invest in a quality deshedding tool. During periods of heavy shedding, the use of a deshedding tool will help keep dead and loose fur at bay. Deshedding tools aren’t typically required all year. These techniques are most helpful during seasonal shedding periods if you keep up with regular grooming.

Other reasons for Australian Shepherds to Shed

A variety of circumstances can cause additional fur loss.

If your Australian Shepherd has recently started shedding more than usual, there could be various reasons for this. In most circumstances, a little extra shedding isn’t a cause for concern. If your dog is older or his behavior has changed, there may be an underlying medical or behavioral reason that needs to be addressed. Here are a few reasons why your Aussie may be shedding more than usual.

Anxiety and Stress: Aussies are fearful dogs. They express their emotions openly, and if they’re anxious, you’ll notice that they start to exhibit unusual behaviors. Your dog may start pacing, getting nervous, or shedding excessively. This is frequent after the arrival of a new pet, the birth of a child, or other stressful life events. Fur loss is likely to be transitory if you’ve had a life-changing event.

Changes in routine: Changes in routine contribute to tension and anxiety. Changing your dog’s routine may cause shedding. A change in routine brought on by the owner going back to work or the dog having to join a daycare can trigger anxiety. Excessive fur loss might result from significant changes in routine.

Skin Allergy or Mites: Shedding may occur if your dog has recently developed a skin allergy to grass or another seasonal plant. This is most certainly something you should discuss with your veterinarian. It’s also possible that your dog has mites.

Certain dog food ingredients cause allergies in some dogs. Peas, potatoes, and some grains are all common allergens. This is something you should keep an eye on if you recently modified your dog’s food.

A variety of medical disorders, including cancer, can cause excess shedding. Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian if your dog’s behavior has changed and they’ve become withdrawn.

Shedding Control 

The Australian Shepherd is a fantastic family dog. Their shedding habits should not be the main factor in determining whether or not they are the ideal breed for your family. You can manage their shedding if you stick to a regular grooming schedule.


Every three to four weeks, give your Australian Shepherd a bath. Anything more than that will deplete your dog’s natural oils, which are found on his skin and in his coat. Brush your dog shortly after he’s been bathed for the most pleasing results. Bathing loosens part of the undercoat’s looser fur, making it easier to remove with a brush once the bath is complete.


For your Aussie, use a natural dog shampoo. It is best not to use an Anti-Shed shampoo unless it’s comprised entirely of natural ingredients. 

Vacuuming and sweeping

You must be willing to do more sweeping and vacuuming than usual.

You won’t be able to keep all of your Aussie’s hair off your flooring, no matter how well you groom him.