How to stop a dog from being possessive of food?

How to stop a dog from being possessive of food? 9 tips to fix the aggression

Some dogs become territorial around food and they can turn hostile even to their owners while attempting to guard their food. When a dog becomes possessive of food, there is a risk that those around it can get bitten. If you are worried about how to stop a dog from being possessive of food, don’t…

British Labrador

British Labrador – 15 fascinating facts that you should know

The British Labrador is intelligent, good looking and better yet comes with a charming personality, making them perfect as family pets or hunting buddies. Difference between American Labrador and British Labrador Everyone can spot a Labrador Retriever. These sweet, medium sized dogs were bred for hunting purposes and enjoy the great outdoors. At the same…

Reactive Dog Training

15 Powerful Reactive Dog Training Tips That Work

Reactive dog training helps to calm dogs that overreact to their environment by barking or lunging at other animals, people, cycles, cars, etc. Your dog is the sweetest, most loveable thing you know until another dog passes by on your morning walk! Reactive dog behavior is when a generally well-behaved animal has intense reactions to…